SSL Decryption
Easy, hassle-free SSL decryption with Lightspeed Filter™
SSL decryption is essential to give schools the policy control and reporting they need on search terms, YouTube videos, Google services, and Microsoft tools. However, historically, SSL decryption has been a hassle—from setting up a trusted MITM proxy to creating PAC files to managing trust certificates.
There’s a better way. Lightspeed Filter has a trusted MITM proxy—and all the management that goes with it—built right in. You don’t have to do anything; just deploy our patented device-level agents and get the decryption you need.

The best built-in proxy for SSL decryption
Lightspeed Filter is designed to put the power of the filter directly in each device with our proprietary smart agents. Without setting up any proxies, dealing with PAC files, or trust certificates, these device-level, multi-OS agents provide easy SSL decryption with our built-in proxy that simply works as it should.
Customizable exclusion lists
There may be some sites you don’t want to decrypt. We understand the unique needs of each of our partners, which is why Lightspeed Filter is built with easy customizations and exclusions. You can easily set your custom SSL exclusions list in your dashboard to keep that activity encrypted while everything else remains seamlessly decrypted. Our Recommended SSL Exclusion list allows users to easily import commonly-used SSL exclusions from other Lightspeed Filter users, ensuring enhanced filtering and smooth operation with Windows and MacOS devices.

All the data you need
With SSL decryption built into our device-level agents, all the data you need is available directly in your Lightspeed Filter dashboard. Search term reports, video reports, selective access to Google services—it’s all right there with SSL decryption in Lightspeed Filter.